Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Research essentials : foundations for evidence-based practice /
Author Norwood, Susan Leslie.
Publisher Pearson,
Year Published 2010
OCLC Number 308171981
ISBN 9780135134108; 0135134102
Subjects Nursing--Research--Methodology ; Clinical medicine--Research--Methodology ; Evidence-based medicine ; Nursing Research--methods ; Evidence-Based Medicine--methods ; Research Design
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ELBM  RT81.5.N658 2010 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 01/06/2020
Collation xix, 503 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 26 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Notes
Nursing research: an overview -- Research and contemporary nursing -- Research process: an overview -- Ways of knowing for nursing research -- Ethical considerations in nursing research -- Understanding nursing research -- Study foundations: the research problem, purpose, sub-problems, and variables -- Study backgrounds and literature reviews -- Frameworks for nursing research -- Research designs -- Research samples -- Principles of measurement -- Data collection strategies -- Data analysis in quantitative research -- Data analysis and qualitative research -- Putting it all together -- Research critique process -- Conducting research in practice settings -- Communicating research findings -- Using research findings in practice settings -- Nursing research and nursing practice -- Answers to test yourself questions -- Responses to critical thinking questions -- Glossary of abbreviations -- Glossary of terms. Here, Susan L. Norwood presents a fresh nursing research textbook which provides an engaging and user-friendly introduction to this important subject area. With valuable information for nursing students, the book helps nurses acquire essential skills for today's dynamic health-care environment.