Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Federal Facilities Forum Issue: Field Sampling and Selecting On-Site Analytical Methods for Explosives in Soil.
Author Crockett, A. B. ; Craig, H. D. ; Jenkins, T. F. ; Sisk, W. E. ;
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Las Vegas, NV. National Exposure Research Lab. ;Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Lab., Idaho Falls. ;Army Environmental Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD.;Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Publisher Nov 96
Year Published 1996
Report Number EPA/540/R-97/501 ;NERL-LV-97-037; DE-AC07-94ID13223;
Stock Number PB97-186613
Additional Subjects Soil contamination ; Explosives ; Sampling ; Site characterization ; Nitrotoluenes ; Nitrobenzenes ; Nitamines ; Ammonium picrate ; Picric acid ; Superfund ; Soil pollution ; Hazards ; Analytical methods ; Field tests ; Site surveys ; Nitrate esters ; RCRA(Resource Conservation and Recovery Act)
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NTIS  PB97-186613 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 36p
The purpose of this issue paper is to provide guidance to Remedial Project Managers regarding field sampling and on-site analytical methods for detecting and quantifying secondary explosive compounds in soils. The paper also includes a brief discussion of EPA Method 8330, the reference analytical method for the determination of 14 explosives and co-contaminants in soil. The issue paper is divided into the following major sections: (1) background, (2) an overview of sampling and analysis for explosives in soil, (3) data quality objectives, (4) unique sampling design considerations for explosives, (5) a summary of on-site analytical methods, and (6) a summary of the EPA reference analytical method.