Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Human health toxicity values in Superfund risk assessments
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Cook, Michael B.
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response.
Publisher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response,
Year Published 2003
Report Number OSWER Dir 9285.7-53; OSWER-DIRECTIVE-9285.7-53
Stock Number PB2004-101338
OCLC Number 56604137
Subjects Environmental risk assessment ; Hazardous wastes--United States
Additional Subjects Superfund ; Risk assessments ; Toxicity ; Technical recommendations ; Policy recommendations ; Hierarchies ; Human health toxicity values ; Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response(OSWER) ; Environmental Protection Agency
Internet Access
Description Access URL
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ELBD ARCHIVE OSWER Dir 9285.7-53 Received from HQ AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 10/04/2023
NTIS  PB2004-101338 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 12 p. ; 28 cm.
This memorandum presents current Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) technical and policy recommendations regarding human health toxicity values in risk assessments. EPA and state personnel may use and accept other technically sound approaches, either on their own initiative, or at the suggestion of potentially responsible parties, or other interested parties. Therefore, interested parties are free to raise questions and objections about the substance of this memorandum and the appropriateness of the application of this document to a particular situation. EPA will, and States should, consider whether the recommendations or interpretations in this memorandum are appropriate in that situation. This memorandum does not impose any requirements or obligations on EPA, States, or other federal agencies, or the regulated community.
"December 5, 2003."