Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Spatial data infrastructures in context : north and south /
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Nedovic-Budic, Zorica.
Crompvoets, Joep.
Georgiadou, Yola.
Publisher CRC Press,
Year Published 2011
OCLC Number 436030555
ISBN 9781439828021; 1439828024
Subjects Geographic information systems--Government policy ; Geographic information systems--International cooperation ; Information storage and retrieval systems--Geography--Government policy ; Geospatial data ; Government information ; Geoinformationssystem ; Raumdaten ; Infrastruktur
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ELBM  G70.212.S649 2011 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 02/21/2012
Collation xxxiv, 254 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Notes
When is providing spatial information a public task? A search for criteria / Katleen Janssen, Joep Crompvoets, and Jos Dumortier -- Institutionalization does not occur by decree : institutional obstacles in implementing a land administration system in a developing country / Leiser Silva -- Integrating spatial information and business processes : the role of organizational structures / Ezra Dessers ... [et al.] -- GIS database development and exchange : interaction mechanisms and motivations / Zorica Nedovic-Budic, Jeffrey K. Pinto, and Lisa Warnecke -- SDI reality in Uganda : coordinating between redundancy and efficiency / Walter T. de Vries and Kate T. Lance -- Social network analysis of the SDI in Flanders / Glenn Vancauwenberghe ... [et al.] -- Thinking in circles : how national geo-information infrastructures cannot escape from the temptation of technology / Henk Koerten and Marcel Veenswijk -- Enlisting SDI for urban planning in India : local practices in the case of slum declaration / Christine Richter ... [et al.] -- Considerations from the development of a local spatial data infrastructure / Clodoveu A. Davis, Jr. and Frederico Fonseca -- An exploration of SDI and volunteered geographic information in Africa / Yola Georgiadou, Nama Raj Budhathoki, and Zorica Nedovic-Budic -- SDI in north and south -- a full circle yet? / Gianluca Miscione and Danny Vandenbroucke -- Conclusion : implications for future research and practice -- toward scientific pragmatism.