Main Title |
EPA activities under the Resource conservation and recovery act of 1976; Annual report to the President and the Congress. |
CORP Author |
United States. Environmental Protection Agency.; Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Office of Solid Waste. |
Publisher |
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. |
Year Published |
1977 |
Report Number |
EPA 530/SW-663 |
Stock Number |
PB88-197603 |
OCLC Number |
03899915 |
0161-8490 |
Subjects |
Environmental policy--United States--Periodicals
Additional Subjects |
United States--Environmental Protection Agency--Periodicals ;
Environmental policy--United States--Periodicals ;
Recycling (Waste, etc)--United States ;
Wastes ;
Materials recovery ;
Resources ;
Waste disposal ;
Waste treatment ;
Law(Jurisprudence) ;
Project planning ;
Project management ;
Solid waste management ;
Resource conservation ;
Solid Waste Disposal Act ;
Resources Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 ;
Hazardous wastes
Internet Access |
Holdings |
Library |
Call Number |
Additional Info |
Location |
Last Modified |
Checkout Status |
EPA 530/SW-663 |
Region 3 Library/Philadelphia, PA |
03/20/1992 |
EPA 530/SW-755 |
Region 3 Library/Philadelphia, PA |
03/20/1992 |
EPA 530/SW-663 |
Region 9 Library/San Francisco,CA |
06/11/2012 |
PB88-197603 |
Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. |
07/26/2022 |
Collation |
v. 26 cm. |
Abstract |
The report to the President and Congress is the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) first annual report on its activities under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA). It summarizes in detail the programs for FY 1977 and outlines solid waste problems, program objectives, legislative considerations, and plans for FY 1978. |