Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Water, Water Everywhere --- But. A Study of the Politico-Administrative Aspects of Water Development in Montana.
Author Sherida, Richard G. ;
CORP Author Montana State Univ., Bozeman. Water Resources Research Center.
Year Published 1968
Report Number Rept. no. ;9; OWRR-A-004-MONT; 00637,; A-004-MONT(3)
Stock Number PB-204 115
Additional Subjects ( Water resources ; Public administration) ; ( Water supply ; Montana) ; Reviews ; Government policies ; Management methods ; Recommendations ; Decision making ; Water law ; Economic analysis ; Water quality ; Recreation ; Agriculture ; Forestry ; Organizations ;
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-204 115 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 305p
The study is devoted to the task of describing the political-administrative environment in which natural resources decision-making takes place; to surveying administrative theory pointing out desirable changes; to recommending action in the light of theory; and to pointing out the difficulties that will be encountered in effecting such changes. The general problems of governmental management are treated. Principles for improving water management within the federal arrangement are recommended. Attention is also focused upon the political-administrative environment for natural resources decision-making in Montana. The physical, economic, and cultural orientation of Montana is described. Management arrangements in other states and theoretical concepts in the area of administration are examined.