Contents Notes |
Generation of test atmospheres of toxic substances for evaluation of air sampling methods / C. Clarine Anderson, Ellen C. Gunderson, Dale M. Coulson, Bruce Goodwin, and Kenneth T. Menzies -- Applications of optical microscopy in analysis of asbestos and quartz / Willard C. Dixon -- Occupational health analytical chemistry : quantitation using X-ray powder diffraction / Donald D. Dollberg, Martin T. Abell, and Bruce A. Lange -- Determination of respirable quartz by infrared spectroscopy with a multiple internal reflectance accessory / Russell Broxterman -- High performance liquid chromatography and its application to occupational health chemistry / James H. Nelson, John C. Holt, and Patrick A. Hearty -- Analysis of aromatic amines by high performance liquid chromatography / John O. Frohliger, Karroll S. Booth, and Nancy Kotsko -- A new fluorescence procedure for the determination of methyl isocyanate in the occupational environment / W.J. Vincent and N.H. Ketcham -- Improved resolution in high performance liquid chromatography analysis of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons using ternary solvent systems / Barry R. Belinky -- A sampling and analytical method for vinyl acetate / Denis L. Foerst and Alexander W. Teass -- Occupational health chemistry : collection and analysis of airborne contaminants / Robert C. Voborsky -- Evaluation of organic solvent vapors in the workplace / Robert C. Voborsky -- Monitoring airborne contaminants in chemical laboratories / Fred Hertlein, III -- Sampling for mercaptans by absorber tubes / M.W. Nathans and A. Jeong -- Atomic absorption spectroscopy in the occupational health laboratory / Allen W. Verstuyft -- Metals in workplace environment : optimization of the analytical method by utilizing ruggedization techniques / L.S. Shepard, G.R. Ricci, G. Colovos, and W.S. Eaton -- A field test of a procedure for the identification of protein-bearing particles in grain elevator air / R.M. Buchan and G.D. Kramer. |