Abstract |
In this SITE demonstration, phytoremediation technologies were applied to contaminated dredged materials from the Jones Island Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) located in Milwaukee Harbor, Wisconsin. The Jones Island CDF is an active facility, having received dredged materials from normal maintenance of Milwaukee's waterways and tributaries for many years. Like many CDFs across the country, Jones Island faces the dilemma of steady inputs and no feasible alternative for expansion. One option for optimizing existing CDF space is to 'beneficially reuse' the dredged sediments, which effectively allows for a recycling of the sediments and the available CDF space. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), in partnership with the Milwaukee Port Authority, is exploring several beneficial reuse options for the dredged material, including use as building materials, road fill, landscaping soil, etc. However, direct beneficial reuse is not possible because a significant portion of the dredged material is considered contaminated and must be cleaned before it can be reused. |