Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Enhanced biodegradation of pesticides in the environment /
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Racke, Kenneth D.
Coats, Joel R.
Publisher American Chemical Society,
Year Published 1990
OCLC Number 21303375
ISBN 084121784X; 9780841217843
Subjects Pesticides--Biodegradation--Congresses ; Microbial metabolism--Congresses ; Pesticidas ; Poluicao Marinha ; Pesticides--Aspect de l'environnement ; Pesticides--Biodegradation ; Bacteries--Metabolisme ; Pesticides--Environmental aspects
Internet Access
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Publisher description
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EIAM  SB951.145.B54E54 1990 Region 2 Library/New York,NY 09/06/1991
EKCM  SB951.145.B54E54 1990 CEMM/GEMMD Library/Gulf Breeze,FL 09/22/1990
EMBM  SB951.145.B54E54 1990 NRMRL/GWERD Library/Ada,OK 06/29/1991
Collation x, 302 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
"Developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Agrochemicals at the 198th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Miami, Florida, September 10-15, 1989." Includes bibliographical references.
Contents Notes
Pesticides in the soil microbial ecosystem / Kenneth D. Racke -- Effects of long-term phenoxyalkanoic acid herbicide field applications on the rate of microbial degradation / Allan E. Smith and Guy P. Lafond -- Enhanced carbamothioate herbicide degradation : research in Nebraska / Fred W. Roeth, Robert G. Wilson, Alex R. Martin, and Patrick J. Shea -- Enhanced biodegradation of carbamothioate herbicides in South Carolina / Horace D. Skipper -- Enhanced biodegradation of dicarboximide fungicides in soil / Allan Walker and Sarah J. Welch -- Enhanced biodegradation of insecticides in Midwestern corn soils / Kenneth D. Racke and Joel R. Coats -- Enhanced degradation of insecticides in soil : factors influencing the development and effects of enhanced microbial activity / R.A. Chapman and C.R. Harris -- Enhanced degradation of S-ethyl N, N-dipropylcarbamothioate in soil and by an isolated soil microorganism / W.A. Dick, R.O. Ankumah, G. McClung, and N. Abou-Assaf -- The role of fungi and bacteria in the enhanced degradation of the fungicide carbendazim and the herbicide diphenamid / N. Aharonson, J. Katan, E. Avidov, and O. Yarden -- Influence of pesticide metabolites on the development of enhanced biodegradation / L. Somasundaram and Joel R. Coats -- Molecular genetics of pesticide degradation by soil bacteria / Jeffrey S. Karns -- Response of microbial populations to carbofuran in soils enhanced for its degradation / R.F. Turco and A.E. Konopka -- Adaptation of microorganisms in subsurface environments : significance to pesticide degradation / Thomas B. Moorman -- Microbial adaptation in aquatic ecosystems / J.C. Spain -- Evaluation of some methods for coping with enhanced biodegradation of soil insecticides / A.S. Felsot and J.J. Tollefson -- Systems allowing continued use of carbamothioate herbicides despite enhanced biodegradation / Robert G. Harvey -- Cultural practices and chemicals that affect the persistence of carbamothioate herbicides in soil / Dirk C. Drost, James E. Rodebush, and Joanna K. Hsu -- Spectrophotometric methodologies for predicting and studying enhanced degradation / Joseph P. Reed, Robert J. Kremer, and Armon J. Keaster -- Enhancing biodegradation for detoxification of herbicide waste in soil / A.S. Felsot and E.K. Dzantor -- Implications of enhanced biodegradation for the use and study of pesticides in the soil environment / Kenneth D. Racke -- Key chemical structures.