Main Title |
Development of a Microcomputer Controlled Multi-Probe Instrument for Automated Time-Dependent Measurement of Redox Potential and Oxygen Diffusion Rate. |
Author |
Hunt, J. D. ;
Scoggins, D. K. ;
Hawk, R. M. ;
Sims, R. A. ;
CORP Author |
Arkansas Univ. at Little Rock. Dept. of Electronics and Instrumentation. ;Arkansas Univ., Fayetteville. Dept. of Agronomy.;Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Lab., Ada, OK. |
Year Published |
1986 |
Report Number |
EPA-R-810490; EPA/600/J-86/062; |
Stock Number |
PB86-202546 |
Additional Subjects |
Soil analysis ;
Aeration ;
Oxygen ;
Soil chemistry ;
Organic compounds ;
Oxidation reduction reactions ;
Diffusion ;
Reprints ;
Computer applications ;
Holdings |
Library |
Call Number |
Additional Info |
Location |
Last Modified |
Checkout Status |
PB86-202546 |
Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. |
07/26/2022 |
Collation |
14p |
Abstract |
The objective of the project was to evaluate control measurements available for parameters to serve as indicators of biodegradation for a land treatment facility. An earlier paper reported results of comparative studies between wax impregnated graphite electrodes (WIGE) and platinum wire electrodes (PWE) to determine ODR and redox potential (Eh). The study indicated that WIGEs are less susceptible to oxide poisoning, easily fabricated, relatively inexpensive, and more stable in soil than PWEs. A second paper reported the use of WIGEs and PWEs to measure Eh and ODR during biodegradation of glucose and phenol in a soil environment as compared to determining actual biodegradation of those compounds by analytical procedures. The results indicated that Eh and ODR can be suitable parameters for indication of biodegradation of organics by land treatment processes. |