Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Global warming and biological diversity /
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Peters, Robert L.
Lovejoy, Thomas E.
Publisher Yale University Press,
Year Published 1992
OCLC Number 24372858
ISBN 0300050569; 9780300050561; 0300059302; 9780300059304
Subjects Global warming--Congresses ; Biodiversity--Climatic factors--Congresses ; Biodiversity conservation--Congresses ; Greenhouse effect, Atmospheric--Congresses ; Organisms--Effects of--Global warming ; Conservation de la nature ; Changement climatique ; Equilibre cologique ; Influence climatique ; Protection des especes naturelles ; Klimaatveranderingen ; Broeikaseffect ; Biodiversiteit ; Artenreichtum--(DE-588)4131912-6 ; Biologie--(DE-588)4006851-1 ; Klimaanderung--(DE-588)4164199-1 ; Treibhauseffekt--(DE-588)4226436-4 ; Climat--Changements--Congres ; Rchauffement de la Terre--Congres ; Bioclimatologie--Congres ; Diversite biologique--Conservation--Congres ; Diversite biologique--Congres ; Effet de serre (meteorologie)--Congres ; Tiere ; Anpassung ; Artenschutz ; Pflanzen ; Bioclimatology--Congresses ; Biological diversity conservation--Congresses ; Biological diversity--Congresses ; Climatic changes--Congresses
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EJBM  QH543.G56 1992 Headquarters Library/Washington,DC 12/24/1992
Collation xxi, 386 pages : illustrations, maps ; 26 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Notes
Conservation of biological diversity in the face of climate change / Robert L. Peters -- How does the world work? : great issues of life and government hinge on the answer / George M. Woodwell -- Climate-change scenarios for impact assessment / Stephen H. Schneider, Linda Mearns, and Peter H. Gleick -- Past changes in vegetation and climate : lessons for the future / Thompson Webb III -- Late pleistocene faunal changes as a guide to understanding effects of greenhouse warming on the mammalian fauna of North America / Russell W. Graham -- Effects of global warming on the biodiversity of coastal-marine zones / G. Carleton Ray [and others] -- A review of the effects of climate on vegetation : ranges, competition, and composition / F. Ian Woodward. Effects of climate change on soil biotic communities and soil processes / Walter G. Whitford -- Possible effects of global warming on the biological diversity in tropical forests / Gary S. Hartshorn -- Using computer models to project ecosystem response, habitat change, and wildlife diversity / Herman H. Shugart and Thomas M. Smith -- Physiological responses of animals to higher temperatures / William R. Dawson -- Ecological responses of animals to climate / C. Richard Tracy -- The greenhouse effect and changes in animal behavior : effects on social structure and life-history strategies / Daniel I. Rubenstein -- Double jeopardy for migrating animals : multiple hits and resource asynchrony / J.P. Myers and Robert T. Lester. Global warming and potential changes in host-parasite and disease-vector relationships / Andrew Dobson and Robin Carper -- Arctic marine ecosystems / Vera Alexander -- Some possible effects of climatic warming on arctic tundra ecosystems of the Alaskan North Slope / W. Dwight Billings and Kim Moreau Peterson -- Effects of global climatic change on forests in Northwestern North America / Jerry F. Franklin [and others] -- Effects of climate change on Mediterranean-type ecosystems in California and Baja California / Walter E. Westman and George P. Malanson -- Projecting the effects of climate change on biological diversity in forests / Daniel B. Botkin and Robert A. Nisbet -- Changes in geographical range resulting from greenhouse warming : effects on biodiversity in forests / Margaret B. Davis and Catherine Zabinski. Between the devil and the deep blue sea : implications of climate change for Florida's fauna / Larry D. Harris and Wendell P. Cropper, Jr. -- The nature and consequences of indirect linkages between climate change and biological diversity / John Harte, Margaret Torn, and Deborah Jensen -- Synergisms : joint effects of climate change and other forms of habitat destruction / Norman Myers -- Effects of climate change on biological diversity in Western North America : species losses and mechanisms / Dennis D. Murphy and Stuart B. Weiss.