Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Omaha Metropolitan Area Air Pollutant Emission Inventory.
Author Hoffma, Alan J. ;
CORP Author National Air Pollution Control Administration, Durham, N.C.
Year Published 1970
Report Number APTD-0826;
Stock Number PB-207 695
Additional Subjects ( Air pollution ; Nebraska) ; ( Iowa ; Air pollution) ; Urban areas ; Sources ; Inventories ; Tables(Data) ; Particles ; Sulfur dioxide ; Nitrogen oxides ; Seasonal variations ; Hydrocarbons ; Carbon monoxide ; Combustion products ; Exhaust gases ; Fuels ; Transportation ; Industrial wastes ; Evaporation ; Waste disposal ; Demography ; Air quality data ; Omaha(Nebraska) ; Cass County(Nebraska) ; Dodge County(Nebraska) ; Douglas County(Nebraska) ; Sarpy County(Nebraska) ; Saunders County(Nebraska) ; Washington County(Nebraska) ; Pottawattamie County(Iowa) ; Mills County(Iowa)
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-207 695 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 66p
A summary report is presented of the emission inventory for the Omaha Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area. The report provides estimates of the present levels of air pollutant emissions and status of their control. The pollutants which include sulfur oxides, particulates, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides are delineated with respect to source type, season of the year, and geographical distribution within the area. The Study Area, which was chosen on the basis of the distribution of population and air pollution sources, consists of six counties surrounding the city of Omaha in Nebraska and two counties in Iowa. A grid coordinate system was used to show the geographical distribution of emissions within counties. All sources of emissions were classified into five categories: transportation, stationary fuel combustion, solid-waste disposal, industrial processes, and evaporative losses. (Author)