Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title The occupational environment : its evaluation, control and management /
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Anna, Daniel H.
Publisher American Industrial Hygiene Association,
Year Published 2011
OCLC Number 778018538
ISBN 1935082159; 9781935082156
Subjects Industrial hygiene ; Occupational diseases--Prevention ; Industrial safety ; Occupational Diseases--prevention & control ; Occupational Exposure--prevention & control ; Occupational Health ; Safety Management--organization & administration
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EHBM  RC967.O24 2011 v.1-2 CEMM/ACESD Library/Narragansett,RI 07/14/2017
Edition 3rd ed.
Collation 2 v.: ill. ; 27 cm.
AIHI Stock Number: BIHT10-566. Earlier eds. edited by Salvatore R. DiNardi. Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Notes
Vol. 1. Section 1: Introduction and Background -- 1. History of industrial hygiene -- 2. Ethics -- 3. Legal aspects of the occupational environment -- 4. Occupational exposure limits -- 5. Occupational toxicology -- 6. Occupational epidemiology -- -- Section 2: Risk Assessments and Chemical Hazard Recognition and Evaluation -- 7. Principles of evaluating worker exposure -- 8. Occupational and environmental health risk assessment/risk management -- 9. Comprehensive exposure assessment -- 10. Modeling inhalation exposure -- 11. Sampling of gases and vapors -- 12. Analysis of gases and vapors -- 13. Quality control for sampling and laboratory analysis -- 14. Sampling and sizing of airborne particles -- 15. Principles and instrumentation for calibrating air sampling equipment -- 16. Preparation of known concentrations of air contaminants -- 17. Direct-reading instruments for determining concentrations of gases, vapors, and aerosols -- 18. Indoor air quality -- -- Section 3: Dermal, Biological and Nanomaterial Hazard Recognition and Assessment -- 19. Biological monitoring -- 20. The skin and the work environment -- 21. The development of occupational skin disease -- 22. Biohazards and associated issues -- 23. Engineered nanomaterials -- -- Vol. 2. Section 4: Physical Agent Recognition and Evaluation -- 24. Noise, vibration, and ultrasound -- 25. Nonionizing radiation -- 26. Ionizing radiation -- 27. Applied physiology of thermoregulation and exposure control -- 28. Thermal standards and measurement techniques -- 29. Barometric hazards -- -- Section 5: The Human Environment -- 30. Ergonomics -- 31. Musculoskeletal disorders, job evaluation, and design principles -- 32. Upper extremities -- 33. Occupational health psychology -- -- Section 6: Methods of Controlling the Work Environment -- 34. Prevention and mitigation of accidental chemical releases -- 35. General methods for the control of airborne hazards -- 36. Dilution ventilation -- 37. Local exhaust ventilation -- 38. Testing, monitoring, and troubleshooting of existing ventilation systems -- 39. Personal protective clothing -- 40. Respiratory protection -- -- Section 7: Program Management -- 41. Program management -- 42. Surveys and audits -- 43. Hazard communication -- 44. Emergency planning and crisis management in the workplace -- 45. Risk communication -- 46. Confined spaces -- 47. Industrial hygiene issues in construction -- 48. Hazardous waste management -- 49. Laboratory health and safety -- 50. Developing an occupational health program -- 51. Report writing -- 52. Occupational safety -- 53. The AIHA value strategy. Meet today's critical issues and challenges as an occupational health and safety practitioner, educator, or student with the tools, methodologies and knowledge provided in this reference.--Cover.