Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Assessment of Aircraft Emission Control Technology.
Author Bastres, E. K. ; Bake, R. C. ; Robertso, C. F. ; Siege, R. D. ; Smit, G. E. ;
CORP Author Northern Research and Engineering Corp., Cambridge, Mass.
Year Published 1971
Report Number NREC-1168-1; EPA-68-04-0011; 0850;
Stock Number PB-204 878
Additional Subjects ( Air pollution ; Exhaust gases) ; ( Aircraft engines ; Exhaust gases) ; ( Air pollution control equipment ; Aircraft engines) ; Standards ; Jet engines ; Spark ignition engines ; Aviation fuels ; Monitors ; Efficiency ; Gas detectors ; Cost effectiveness ; Nitrogen oxides ; Sulfur dioxide ; Hydrocarbons ; Particles ; Odor control ; Smoke abatement ; Terminal air traffic control ; Aircraft exhaust
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-204 878 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 206p
The results are presented of an investigation which was aimed at providing information for establishing standards on emissions from aircraft activities. The program consisted of independent investigation of the following topics: Emission control by engine modification; Emission control by ground operations modification; Emission control by fuel modification; and Emission measurement. Engine modification control methods were identified through reviews of earlier work and through discussions with engine manufacturers. A list of specific control methods was formulated on the basis of preliminary analyses in which feasibility was indicated. The preliminary list of control methods was then subjected to more detailed analysis of control effectiveness and implementation costs. Ground operations modification control methods were evaluated in a similar manner.