Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Evaluation of National Boiler Inventory.
Author Putnam, A. A. ; Kropp, E. L. ; Barrett., R. E. ;
CORP Author Battelle Columbus Labs., Ohio.;Industrial Environmental Research Lab., Research Triangle Park, N.C.
Year Published 1975
Report Number EPA-68-02-1223; EPA-ROAP-21ADE-010; EPA/600/2-75/067;
Stock Number PB-248 100
Additional Subjects Boilers ; Air pollution ; Sulfur dioxide ; Nitrogen dioxide ; Sulfur oxides ; Nitrogen oxides ; Particles ; Coal ; Residual oils ; Distillates ; Fuel oil ; Natural gas ; Fuel consumption ; Furnaces ; Inventories ; Population(Statistics) ; United States ; Tables(Data) ; Statistical data ; Particulates ; Stationary sources
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-248 100 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 72p
The report gives a compilation of the boiler inventory for the Continental United States, using available data sources. Residential, commercial, industrial, and utility boilers are included. Results are presented as: cumulative boiler installed capacity and cumulative actual boiler use (by fuel and total), both plotted against boiler size; cumulative SO2, NOx, and particulate emissions (by fuel and total), plotted against boiler size; and tables of boiler number count, boiler installed capacity, boiler actual use, SO2 emission, NOx emission, and particulate emission, by boiler size and fuel.