Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title The Madame Curie complex : the hidden history of women in science /
Author Des Jardins, Julie,
Publisher Feminist Press at the City University of New York,
Year Published 2010
OCLC Number 318876946
ISBN 9781558616134; 1558616136
Subjects Women scientists--Biography ; Women engineers--Biography ; Women in science ; Women in engineering ; Sex role--United States--History ; Spouses ; Women, Working--history ; Gender Identity ; Spouses--history ; Wissenschaftlerin ; Frau--Naturwissenschaften--USA--Geschichte ; Naturwissenschaften--Frau--USA--Geschichte ; Naturwissenschafterin--USA--Geschichte ; Technik ; Geschlechterrolle ; Kvinnliga forskare--historia ; Kvinnliga vetenskapsmn--historia ; Vetenskapshistoria--genusaspekter ; Vetenskapssociologi--genusaspekter
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ESAM  Q141.D44 2010 Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA 02/28/2011
Collation 312 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : black and white illustrations ; 22 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Notes
Assistants, housekeepers, and interchangeable parts : women scientists and professionalization, 1880-1940. Madame Curie's American tours : women and science in the 1920s ; Making science domestic and domesticity scientific : the ambiguous life and ambidextrous work of Lillian Gilbreth ; To embrace or decline marriage and family : Annie Jump Cannon and the women of the Harvard Observatory, 1880-1940 -- The cult of masculinity in the age of heroic science, 1941-1962. Those science made invisible : finding the women of the Manhattan Project ; Maria Goeppert Mayer and Rosalind Franklin : the politics of partners and prizes in the heroic age of science -- American women and science in transition, 1962- Generational divides : Rosalyn Sussman Yalow, Evelyn Fox Keller, Barbara McClintock, and feminism after 1963 ; The lady trimates and feminist science? : Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Biruté Galdikas -- Apes, corn, and silent springs : a women's tradition of science? The Madame Curie Complex gives fresh insight into the barriers and successes for women in science, and sheds light on the way our cultural ideas of gender have shaped the profession.