Abstract |
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) National Homeland Security Research Center (NHSRC), Decontamination and Consequence Management Division (DCMD), one of three divisions of the NHSRC, is located in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. The current focus of DCMD is on the decontamination of buildings that have been intentionally contaminated by biological or chemical agents. DCMD scientists study the chemical and biological contamination of air and indoor surfaces; provide methods for upgrading buildings in ways that increase occupant protection; supply information on decontamination methods, including safety, efficiency, cost; and analyze disposal options for decontamination wastes. Much progress has been made by the DCMD; however, research and development (R&D) needs remain. Most of the current research has focused on anthrax, but there are still major concerns about smallpox, plague, tularemia, and biological toxins, such as ricin and botulinum toxin, as well as chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial chemicals. It is expected that a system that would kill anthrax would kill other biological organisms, but this expectation has not been tested. Although chlorine dioxide (ClO2) has shown the most promise for use as a fumigant for biologically contaminated buildings and there have been significant advances in commercial systems for providing it for decontamination, there are still needs with regard to a system that would be safer, less destructive of interior materials, and less costly. The information contained in this report is divided into four research areas: detection, containment, decontamination, and disposal. Included for each research area is a description of tasks. For each task, information is provided on the task objective, research partners, research location, task status, and associated products. |