Abstract |
Samples from Elephant Butte Lake collections were analyzed for mercury by a flameless atomic absorption procedure. Analyses revealed mean ppb mercury concentrations of 0.027 in water, 57 in bottom sediments, 109 in phytoplankton, 277 in attached algae and bryophytes, 95 in plant debris, 69 in zooplankton, 90 in crayfish muscle, 26 in visceral mass of mussels, 97 in muscle of nonpredaceous fish, 125 in muscle of small predaceous fish, 253 in muscle of large predaceous fish, and 266 in muscle of two turtle species. Tissue grouped by relative levels for the sixteen fish species show consistently lower levels in bone, skin, gills, and eyes; intermediate levels in stomach, intestine, heart, and brain; and higher levels in spleen, muscle, kidney, and liver. The potential hazards of Elephant Butte fish to human health are discussed. |