Abstract |
Ozonation and biological treatment were investigated as a means of controlling the formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs) as measured by total organic halides (TOX) and purgeable organic halides (POX). Organic matter from a groundwater and a river eater source were used and chlorine of chloramines were used as the final disinfectant. The amount formed, the formation kinetics and the impact of disinfectant dose were investigated. Chlormination produced significantly less organic halides, especially POX, compared to chlorination. With both disinfectants and for both sources organic matter, the nonpurgeable organic halide formation rate was found to be much faster than that of POX. In all cases examined, the ratio or organic halides to dissolved organic carbon decreased after biological treatment indicating a selectivity for the potential reactive sites. Based on the results of the bench scale study, pilot studies of biological treatment for DBP control are being made. (Copyright (c) 1992 Pergamon Press Ltd.) |