Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Computer Mapping as an Aid in Air Pollution Studies. Volume 2: Individual Reports. Report K. Computer Program Manuals.
Author Goodric, John C. ; Howriga, Gail ;
CORP Author Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. Lab. for Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis.
Year Published 1971
Report Number NAPCA-68A-2405D; 0738;
Stock Number PB-204 713
Additional Subjects ( Air pollution ; Stereomapping) ; ( Computer programming ; Graphic methods) ; Manuals ; Subroutines ; Maps ; Atmospheric composition ; Data processing ; Air quality data ; Computer mapping techniques ; Computer graphics ; SYMAP computer program
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-204 713 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 262p
The goal of the research was to use computer graphics to clearly display air pollution data over geographical areas. The seven parts of the report are: introduction to the use of the SYMAP program; the data packages of SYMAP; the Map package electives of SYMAP; data banks and user subroutine in SYMAP; technical considerations in the SYMAP program; the user requirements of the SYMVU program; and the user requirements of the GRID program. Each of the seven parts is designed to be used separately or in combination as teaching and reference manuals. The computer program manuals represent the latest versions of the programs. (Author)