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"This guideline was primarily prepared by Dr. Henry S. Cole, Source Receptor Analysis Branch, Monitoring and Data Analysis Division, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards"--Page ii. "Draft: do not quote or cite." "January 20, 1978." "NAQTS: National air quality trend sites"--Page 1. "Under the EPA's FY-1978 Air Program Operational Guidance Document, the States are required to develop plans for implementing the major recommendations of the Standing Air Monitoring Work Group (SAMWG) for the improvement of air quality monitoring networks ... An [sic] April 22, 1977, guidance memorandum from the Assistant Administrator listed 10 requirements which must be addressed in the state monitoring plans ... The purpose of this guideline document is to assist the states in conducting the required review"--Page 1. Includes bibliographical references. "021608." |