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Main Title Human variability in response to chemical exposures : measures, modeling, and risk assessment /
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Neumann, David A.
Kimmel, Carole A.
Publisher CRC Press ; ILSI Press,
Year Published 1998
OCLC Number 38757741
ISBN 0849328055 (CRC : acid-free paper); 9780849328053 (CRC : acid-free paper); 1578810000 (ILSI : acid-free paper); 9781578810000 (ILSI : acid-free paper)
Subjects Health risk assessment ; Biochemical variation ; Human beings--Variation ; Human genetics--Variation ; Toxicology ; Environmental toxicology ; Environmental Exposure--adverse effects--Congresses ; Risk Assessment--Congresses ; Biological Markers--Congresses ; Disease Susceptibility--epidemiology--Congresses ; Epidemiologic Factors--Congresses ; Toxicity Tests--Congresses ; Evaluation du risque ; Susceptibilite aa une maladie ; Facteurs epidemiologiques ; Exposition environnementale ; Variation genetique ; Risques pour la sante ; Variabilite--Aspect moleculaire ; Genetique humaine--Variabilite ; Toxicologie ; Umweltchemikalie ; Toxiziteat ; Genetische Variabiliteat ; Aufsatzsammlung
Internet Access
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Publisher description
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EJEM  RA427.3.H86 1998 OCSPP Chemical Library/Washington,DC 10/08/2004
EKBM  RA427.3.H86 1998 Research Triangle Park Library/RTP, NC 08/16/2002
EKCM  RA427.3.H86 1998 CEMM/GEMMD Library/Gulf Breeze,FL 12/15/2014
EMAM  RA427.3.H863 1998 Region 6 Library/Dallas,TX 09/09/2009
EMBM  RA427.3.H86 1998 NRMRL/GWERD Library/Ada,OK 12/17/1999
Collation 257 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
"International Life Sciences Institute." Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Notes
Summary and Recommendations / David A. Neumann and Carole A. Kimmel -- Ch. 1. Accounting for Variability in Responsiveness in Human Health Risk Assessment / Jean A. Grassman, Carole A. Kimmel and David A. Neumann -- Ch. 2. Strategies for Assessing Human Variability in Susceptibility and Using Variability to Infer Human Risks / Dale Hattis -- Ch. 3. Interindividual Variability in Neurotoxicity / David A. Eckerman, John R. Glowa and W. Kent Anger -- Ch. 4. Variability in Human Response to Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity / Anthony R. Scialli and Armand Lione -- Ch. 5. Risk Assessment of the Effects of Ozone Exposure on Respiratory Health: Dealing with Variability in Human Responsiveness to Controlled Exposures / Philip A. Bromberg --Ch. 6. Host-Environment Interactions That Affect Variability in Human Cancer Susceptibility / L.T. Frame, C.B. Ambrosone and F.F. Kadlubar [and others] -- Ch. 7. Genetic Susceptibility and Cancer Risk / Neil Caporaso and Nathaniel Rothman -- Ch. 8. Human Variability in Susceptibility and Response: Implications for Risk Assessment / David A. Neumann and Carole A. Kimmel. This book, a compilation of eight original manuscripts commissioned by the ILSI Risk Science Institute, addresses the increasing awareness that individual biological differences be reflected when assessing human health risks associated with exposure to potential toxicants in the workplace, the home, and the environment. Scientists from academia, industry, and government address the evidence for variability in human response to chemicals associated with reproductive and developmental effects; effects on the nervous system and lungs; and cancer. Their reports convey both the current state of scientific understanding of response variability and the genetic basis for such observations.