Main Title |
Fresh-water biology. |
Author |
Edmondson, W. T.
Other Authors |
Publisher |
Wiley |
Year Published |
1959 |
OCLC Number |
00271760 |
047123298X; 9780471232988 |
Subjects |
Freshwater invertebrates--North America--Identification ;
Freshwater plants--North America--Identification ;
Freshwater biology ;
Biologie ;
Eau douce ;
Environnement aquatique ;
Additional Subjects |
Fresh-water biology
Holdings |
Library |
Call Number |
Additional Info |
Location |
Last Modified |
Checkout Status |
QH96.E33 |
CEMM/GEMMD Library/Gulf Breeze,FL |
01/01/1988 |
QH96.E33 1959 |
AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH |
06/05/2019 |
QH96.E33 |
2 copies |
CCTE/GLTED Library/Duluth,MN |
12/19/2023 |
QH96.E33 |
Region 9 Library/San Francisco,CA |
01/01/1988 |
Edition |
2d ed. |
Collation |
xx, 1248 pages illustrations 24 cm |
Notes |
At head of title: The late Henry Baldwin Ward [and] the late George Chandler Whipple. First ed., by H.B. Ward and G.C. Whipple, with the collaboration of a staff of specialists, published in 1918. Includes bibliographical references. |
Contents Notes |
Introduction / W.T. Edmondson -- Introduction to the protista / R.Y. Stanier -- Bacteria / C.B. van Niel, R.Y. Stanier -- Fungi / Frederick K. Sparrow -- Key to fungi imperfecti / William W. Scott -- Myxophyceae / Francis Drouet -- Algae / R.H. Thompson -- Bacillariophyceae / Ruth Patrick -- Zooflagellates / James B. Lackey -- Rhizopoda and actinopoda / Georges Deflandre -- Ciliophora / Lowell E. Noland -- Porifera / Minna E. Jewell -- Coelenterata ; Turbellaria ; Introduction ; Tricladida / Libbie H. Hyman -- Catenulida ; Macrostomida ; Neorhabdocoela ; Alloeocoela / E. Ruffin Jones -- Nemertea / Wesley R. Coe -- Nemata / B.G. Chitwood, M.W. Allen -- Gordiida / B.G. Chitwood -- Gastrotricha / Royal Bruce Brunson -- Rotifera / W.T. Edmondson -- Bryozoa / Mary Dora Rogick -- Tardigrada / Ernesto Marcus -- Oligochaeta / Clarence J. Goodnight -- Polychaeta / Olga Hartman -- Hirudinea / J. Percy Moore -- Anostraca / Ralph W. Dexter. Notostraca / Folke Linder -- Conchostraca / N.T. Mattox -- Cladocera / John Langdon Brooks -- Ostracoda / Willis L. Tressler -- Free-living copepoda : Introduction / Mildred Stratton Wilson and Harry C. Yeatman -- Calanoida / Mildred Stratton Wilson -- Cyclopoida / Harry C. Yeatman -- Harpacticoida / Mildred Stratton Wilson and Harry C. Yeatman -- Branchiura and parasitic copepoda / Mildred Stratton Wilson -- Malacostraca / Fenner A. Chace [and others] -- Introduction to aquatic insecta / Herbert H. Ross -- Ephemeroptera / George F. Edmunds -- Odonata / Leonora K. Gloyd, Mike Wright -- Plecoptera / W.E. Ricker -- Hemiptera / H.B. Hungerford -- Neuroptera / Ashley B. Gurney, Sophy Parfin -- Coleoptera / Hugh B. Leech, Milton W. Sanderson -- Trichoptera / Herbert H. Ross -- Lepidoptera / Paul S. Welch -- Diptera / Maurice T. James -- Acari / Irwin M. Newell -- Mollusca / William J. Clench -- Bryophyta / Henry S. Conard -- Vascular plants / W.C. Muenscher -- Methods and equipment / W.T. Edmondson. |