Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Acid extraction treatment system for treatment of metal contaminated soils /
Author Paff, Stephen W. ; Bosilovich, B. ; Kardos, N. J.
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Bosilovich, Brian E.
Kardos, Nicholas J.
CORP Author Center for Hazardous Materials Research, Pittsburgh, PA.;Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH. Risk Reduction Engineering Lab.
Publisher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation,
Year Published 1994
Report Number EPA/540/R-94/513; EPA-R-815792-01-0
Stock Number PB94-188109
Subjects Soil acidity ; Soils--Leaching--Technological innovations ; Soil remediation--Technological innovations
Additional Subjects Soil contamination ; Heavy metals ; Extraction ; Acid treatment ; Superfund ; Solid waste treatment ; Leaching ; Remedial action ; Hazardous materials ; Research and development ; Laboratories ; Cost engineering ; Technology innovation ; Arsenic ; Lead(Metal) ; Cadmium ; Chromium ; Copper ; Nickel ; Zinc ; AETS(Acid Extraction Treatment System) ; Soil washing ; Surrogate soils ; Pedricktown(New Jersey) ; King of Prussia(New Jersey) ; Palmerton(Pennsylvania) ; Butte(Montana)
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB94-188109 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 60 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
The Acid Extraction Treatment System (AETS) reduces the concentrations and/or leachability of heavy metals in contaminated soils so the soil can be returned to the site from which it originated. The objective of the project was to determine the effectiveness and commercial viability of the process. An account of the activities conducted during the project, the experiments performed, results and conclusions, are included in the report. A pilot-scale AETS was used to treat 5 different soils containing different combinations of seven heavy metals. The AETS can, in most cases, treat the entire soil, with no separate disposal or stabilization of the clay fines needed. The estimated treatment costs are between $80 and $180 per cubic yard.
Caption title. Distributed to depository libraries in microfiche. Shipping list no.: 94-0992-M. "August 1994." "EPA/540/R-94/513." Microfiche.