Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Landfill Gas and Leachate Monitoring: Helena, Montana - A Technical Assistance Panels Program Report.
Author Baker, Roger ; Jewett, Marc ; Jubenville, David ; Kuntz, David ; Lokey, Burke ;
CORP Author Hart (Fred C.) Associates, Inc., Denver, CO.;Environmental Protection Agency, Denver, CO. Region VIII.
Year Published 1981
Report Number EPA-68-01-6008; EPA-908/6-81-002;
Stock Number PB82-110545
Additional Subjects Earth fills ; Solid waste disposal ; Leaching ; Montana ; Methane ; Water pollution ; Ground water ; Monitoring ; Gas production ; Sewage ; Water quality ; Helena(Montana) ; EPA region 8
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB82-110545 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 63p
Leachate contamination of ground water and methane gas production are potential problems associated with solid wastes deposited in landfills. Expanding urban areas may utilize former sites for residential building sites, schools, and parks. This report presents an example of a method which can be used to design a permanent methane gas and leachate monitoring program from a relatively inexpensive preliminary investigation. The monitoring program was conducted on a landfill located within the city limits of Helena, Montana in 1980. A barhole punch survey was conducted to delineate areas of methane gas concentrations and to guide placement of wells. Seven monitoring wells were drilled, logged, and samples were collected. An MSA Model 53 Gascope was used to measure the percent of volume of gas in air and the lower explosive limit of the gas. Water samples were analyzed in a laboratory under selected parameters. Preliminary findings indicated that only a moderate amount of methane gas is being generated and migration of the gas appeared to be minimal. Leachate from the landfill did not appear to have contaminated the ground water. The report recommends that a long term water quality and methane gas monitoring program be instituted and estimates costs of such a program.