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Main Title Origins and evolution of language and speech /
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Harnad, Stevan R.
Steklis, Horst D.
Lancaster, Jane Beckman
Publisher New York Academy of Sciences,
Year Published 1976
OCLC Number 02493424
ISBN 0890720266; 9780890720264
Subjects Language and Languages--Origin--Congresses ; Psycholinguistics--Congresses ; Language and Languages--Physiological aspects--Congresses ; Speech--Congresses ; Children--Language--Congresses ; Biological Evolution ; Sprachentwicklung ; Evolution--Congresses ; Language--history--Congresses ; Speech--history--Congresses
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EJEM  Q11.N5 v.280 1976 OCSPP Chemical Library/Washington,DC 07/12/2005
Collation vii, 914 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
"This series of papers is the result of a conference ... on September 22, 23, 24, and 25, 1975." Includes bibliographical references.
Contents Notes
History of language-origins theory. Introduction / Gordon W. Hewes -- An outline of language-origins theory since the Renaissance / Hans Arsleff -- Discussion / Gordon W. Hewes, moderator -- Formulating the target. Introduction / Donald Davidson -- Frame semantics and the nature of language / Charles J. Fillmore -- A hypothesis about the uniqueness of natural language / Jerrold J. Katz -- Discussion / Donald Davidson, moderator -- On the nature of language / Noam Chomsky -- Discussion paper : induction, evolution, and accountability / Stevan R. Harnad -- Language change / William S.-Y. Wang -- The logical diversity of natural languages / Edward L. Keenan -- Discussion / Patrick Suppes, moderator -- Historical linguistics and the origin of language / Paul Kiparsky -- Protolinguistics : the study of protolanguages as an aid to glossogonic research / Roger W. Wescott -- Discussion of the two preceding papers / Paul Kay -- Discussion paper : mathematical linguistics, logic, and the development of language and reasoning in the child / George Epstein and Stuart C. Shapiro -- Discussion / George Epstein -- Perceptual and cognitive substrates. Introduction / Sam Glucksberg -- Communication and cognitive organization in humans and other animals / Emil W. Menzel and Marcia K. Johnson -- Cross-modal perception in apes / Richard K. Davenport -- Language and skilled activity / Peter C. Reynolds -- Discussion / Sam Glucksberg, moderator -- Discussion paper : child language and the origins of language / Lois Bloom -- The ontogeny of primate intelligence and its implications for communicative potential : a preliminary report / Suzanne Chevalier-Skolnikoff -- The development of language as purposive behavior / Ernst von Glasersfeld -- Syntax and semantics of children's language / Patrick Suppes -- Discussion / Lois Bloom, moderator -- Brain architecture and mechanisms that underlie language : an information-processing analysis / Robert J. Baron -- Problem-solving approach to first-language acquisition / L. Siklóssy -- Discussion / Roland Pucceti -- Toolmaking, hunting, and the origin of language / Ashley Montagu -- Stages of cultural elaboration in the Pleistocene : possible archeological indicators of the development of language capabilities / Glynn L. Isaac -- Some implications of the Paleolithic symbolic evidence for the origin of language / Alexander Marshack -- The evolution of language in the late Pleistocene / Julian Jaynes -- Discussion / Horst D. Steklis, moderator -- Paleoneurological evidence for language origins / Ralph L. Holloway -- Morphological cerebral asymmetries of modern man, fossil man, and nonhuman primate / Marjorie LeMay -- Discussion paper : language, neural organization, and the fossil record / Simeon Locke -- Discussion paper : the paleoneurology of language / Harry J. Jerison -- Discussion / Leonard Radinsky, moderator -- An ethological theory of the origin of vocal learning / Peter Marler -- Relations between the ontogeny and phylogeny of language : a neorecapitulist view / John T. Lamendella -- Some complexities in the communication behavior of gulls / Colin Beer -- Discussion paper : the evolution of distance communication in bees / Howard M. Reid -- Discussion / Jane Lancaster, moderator -- From hand to mouth : some critical stages in the evolution of language / Horst D. Steklis and Stevan R. Harnad -- Languages of organism : requisite fabric for an evolution of the speech function : some theoretical considerations / Earl W. Count -- Discussion paper : the evolution of human communication : what can primates tell us? / Nancy Tanner and Adrienne Zihlman -- Discussion / Thomas A. Sebeok, moderator -- The current status of the gestural theory of language origin / Gordon W. Hewes -- Sign language autonomy / William C. Stokoe -- Two faces of sign : iconic and abstract / Ursula Bellugi and Edward S. Klima -- Discussion paper : human language and primate communication / Michael J. Raleigh and Frank R. Ervin -- Discussion / Jean Kitahara-Frisch, moderator -- Mechanisms of intelligence : preconditions for language / David Premack -- The mastery of language-type skills by the chimpanzee (Pan) / Duane M. Rumbaugh and Timothy V. Gill -- What might be learned from studying language in the chimpanzee? The importance of symbolizing oneself / H.S. Terrace and T.G. Bever -- Discussion paper : comparison of sign language projects and implications for language origins / Roger S. Fouts -- Discussion paper : the communicative competence of child and chimpanzee / Lyn W. Miles -- Discussion paper : chimpanzees and language evolution / William A. Malmi -- Discussion / David Premack, moderator -- Phylogeny of the human vocal tract / Jan Wind -- Biomechanics of speech sounds / E. Lloyd Du Brul -- Discussion paper : vocal tract and brain : a search for evolutionary bottlenecks / Fernando Nottebohm -- Discussion paper : evolution of laryngeal folding / B.R. Fink [and others] -- Discussion / B.R. Fink, moderator -- Interactive models for evolution : neural mechanisms, anatomy, and behavior / Philip Lieberman -- Use of formants in the grunts of baboons and other nonhuman primates / R.J. Andrew -- Speech perception in the human infant and rhesus monkey / Philip A. Morse -- Auditory perception and speech evolution / Richard M. Warren -- Discussion paper / A.M. Liberman -- Discussion / Jan Wind, moderator -- Neural parallels and continuities. Introduction / Karl H. Pribram -- The search for cerebral dominance in monkeys / J.M. Warren and A.J. Nonneman -- Comparative neurology of vocalization and speech : proof of a dichotomy / Ronald E. Myers -- Discussion of the paper by R.E. Myers / E.W. Menzel -- Limbic influences on human speech / Bryan W. Robinson -- Discussion / Karl H. Pribram, moderator -- Lateralized temporal-limbic dysfunction and psychopathology / P. Flor-Henry -- Discussion of the paper by P. Flor-Henry / Maureen Dennis -- Language in a sociobiological frame / Karl H. Pribram -- Evolution of language lateralization and cognitive function / Jerre Levy -- Cerebral asymmetry : changes in factors affecting its development / Dennis L. Molfese [and others] -- Wernicke's region -- where is it? / J.E. Bogen and G.M. Bogen -- Anatomic variations in the cortex : individual differences and the problem of the localization of language functions / Harry A. Whitaker and Ola A. Selnes -- Discussion / Stevan R. Harnad, moderator -- The role of language in the memory disorders of brain-damaged patients / Laird S. Cermak and Nelson Butters -- Dissociations of language in aphasia : implications for normal function / Oscar S.M. Marin, Eleanor M. Saffran and Myrna F. Schwartz -- Strategies of mastering a visual communication system in aphasia / Lynn Davis and Howard Gardner -- Discussion / Earl Miner, moderator -- Neurobiology of language : an overview / Oscar S.M. Marin -- Concluding remarks / Robin Fox.