Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Rocky Mountain Environmental Research. Quest for a Future. Problems and Research Priorities in the Rocky Mountain Region.
CORP Author Eisenhower Consortium for Western Environmental Forestry Research, Fort Collins, Colo.;Forest Service, Washington, D.C.;Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.;Utah State Univ., Logan. Committee on Future Environments in the Rocky Mountain Region.;National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Research Applied to National Needs.
Year Published 1975
Report Number NSF-GI-39421;
Stock Number PB-256 446
Additional Subjects Environmental impacts ; Assessments ; Forecasting ; Management analysis ; Mineral deposits ; Mines(Excavations) ; Human ecology ; Technology ; Utilization ; Land development ; Recreation ; Rural areas ; Economic impact ; Structual timber ; Forage grasses ; Mathematical models ; Water resources ; Sewage treatment ; Watersheds ; Irrigation ; River basins ; Flood control ; Desalting ; Cloud seeding ; Population growth ; Ecosystems ; Energy resources ; Environmental impact assessments ; Rocky Mountain Region(United States)
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-256 446 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 293p
Rocky Mountain Environmental Research - Quest for a Future was formed with the purpose of identifying environmental problems and research questions in the Rocky Mountain Region. With accurate research to provide facts, wise management decisions can be made which will preserve our heritage and enhance the Region for future generations. The purpose of the research was the following: Identify and evaluate current and potential problems associated with the growing interaction of people and natural environments in the Region, and determine and establish priorities for the research required to provide the necessary basis for environmentally sound resource managements on public and private lands. Task forces were formed to address several subject areas: Biological resources, human needs and responses, institutional arrangements, mineral and energy resources, recreation and tourism, rural residential development, timber and forage uses, and water resources and uses. Task force leaders were asked to select an interdisciplinary and broad-based committee to determine the state-of-knowledge in each field, the gaps in knowledge, and thus the major needs to be researched. Each leader prepared a documented report of the findings. A draft of each task force report was sent for review and the review comments were incorporated where pertinent into the final reports presented here.