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Main Title Leading change in a Web 2.1 world : how ChangeCasting builds trust, creates understanding, and accelerates organizational change /
Author Nickerson, Jackson A.
Publisher Brookings Institution Press,
Year Published 2010
OCLC Number 635492415
ISBN 9780815704843 (hbk. : alk. paper); 0815704844 (hbk. : alk. paper)
Subjects Organizational change ; Organizational behavior ; Web 20 ; Information technology--Management ; Management ; Information technology--Management ; Management ; Organizational behavior ; Organizational change ; Web 20
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EOAM  HD58.8.N497 2010 ELN collection Region 8 Technical Library/Denver,CO 02/05/2014
Collation xii, 148 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 137-142) and index.
Contents Notes
Introduction. A new tool for leaders -- Managing change : the fundamental test of leadership -- Why leading change is so difficult -- Enabling organizational change -- Accelerating change in a Web 2.1 world -- ChangeCasting guidelines : the message -- ChangeCasting guidelines : the delivery -- ChangeCasting guidelines : the video -- Technology for managing ChangeCasting -- Did ChangeCasting improve performance? -- Should you adopt ChangeCasting? This volume describes a new approach for accelerating organizational change. The author describes how fundamental changes in the nature of economic activity are leading business organizations to implement globally decentralized decision processes; and how these changes create new leadership and coordination challenges; and how leaders may use the ChangeCasting process to stimulate vital changes in their community. ChangeCasting is an approach to leadership where executives use short 1 to 5 minute videos to communicate to their teams. "Recent advances in Web 2.0 technology enable new leadership processes and guidelines that can create great value for organizations. In this important new book--the first title in the new Brookings series on Innovations in Leadership--management expert Jackson Nickerson proposes a combination of processes and guidelines utilizing Web 2.0 technology, which he refers to as Web 2.1, that will not only lead and direct change in an organization but actually accelerate it. He calls this set of processes and guidelines 'ChangeCasting,' and it should be an important part of any organization's leadership toolkit. Leading Change in a Web 2.1 World provides fresh insights into why people and organizations are so difficult to engage in change. It explains how web-based video communications, when used in accordance with ChangeCasting principles, can be a keyway to building trust and creating understanding in an organization, thereby unlocking and accelerating organizational change. Nickerson introduces us to two Fortune 1000 firms facing dire economic and competitive circumstances. Both CEOs attempted extensive organizational change using web-based video communications, but one used ChangeCasting while the other did not--Nickerson details how ChangeCasting produced positive financial results for the former. He also discusses how ChangeCasting principles were used so successfully by the Barack Obama presidential campaign in 2008. The insights presented here will be invaluable to business executives, public officials, students of management and organizations, and anyone who needs to take organizational change from the drawing board to successful implementation and replication"--Provided by publisher.