Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title A user's guide to environmental immunochemical analysis /
Author Gee, Shirley J. ; Hammock, B. D. ; Van Emon, J. M.
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Hammock, Bruce D.
Van Emon, Jeanette M.
CORP Author California Univ., Davis. Dept. of Entomology.;Environmental Monitoring Systems Lab., Las Vegas, NV.
Publisher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory,
Year Published 1994
Report Number EPA/540-R-94-509; CR891047; CR819047-01; EPA-R-819047-01
Stock Number PB95-138327
OCLC Number 31184399
Subjects Immunochemistry--Handbooks, manuals, etc
Additional Subjects Immunochemistry ; Environmental pollutants ; Sampling ; Test methods ; Immunoassay ; Immunotoxins ; Contaminants ; Pesticides ; Chemical analysis ; Sample preparation ; Analytical techniques ; Environmental monitoring ; Risk assessment ; Antibodies ; Guidelines
Internet Access
Description Access URL
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EHAD  EPA/540-R-94-509 Region 1 Library/Boston,MA 02/15/1997
EJDD  EPA/540/R-94/509 Env Science Center Library/Ft Meade,MD 08/04/1995
EJED  EPA 540/R-94-509 OCSPP Chemical Library/Washington,DC 07/03/1997
ELBD ARCHIVE EPA 540-R-94-509 Received from HQ AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 10/04/2023 DISPERSAL
EMBD  EPA/540/R-94/509 NRMRL/GWERD Library/Ada,OK 02/17/1995
ESAD  EPA 540-R-94-509 Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA 03/23/2010
NTIS  PB95-138327 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation xi, 90 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
The document is a tutorial designed to instruct the reader in the use and application of immunochemical methods of analysis for environmental contaminants. A brief introduction describes basic principles and the advantages and disadvantages of the technology, and gives a listing of references which supply more detail. Preparation of the laboratory for use of the technology and the general scientific considerations prior to using the technology are discussed. Detailed step-wise procedures are given for analysis of selected analytes, triazine herbicides, carbaryl, paraquat, and p-nitrophenols in environmental samples as well as triazine mercapturates in urine samples. In addition to the specific immunoassay methods, a series of support techniques necessary to perform immunochemical methods are described.
"March 1994." "EPA/540-R-94-509." "EPA cooperative research grant 891047." "Office of Research and Development, Washington DC"--Cover. Includes bibliographical references.