Abstract |
REFEREE is a general-purpose bibliographic database management program for IBM-compatible microcomputers. The program is ideal for maintenance of large, master databases from which lists of citations on desired topics frequently must be drawn. Information is entered into REFEREE from the keyboard. Every record contains 9 general-purpose fields, most of which have minimal format requirements. The program accommodates records of different lengths within a single database; disk space is allocated on a field-by-field, record-by-record basis. REFEREE's information capacity is more likely to be limited by hardware than by the program itself: up to 1 million maximum-length (35,675-character) records theoretically could be stored in a single database. Stored records can be modified; sorted; searched; transferred between databases; and exported to a printer, a standard text file, a dBASE III file, or a file formatted for easy conversion to an IBM 5520 Office Automation System word processing document... Software Description: The software is written in the Clipper, 8086 assembly programming language for implementation on an IBM-PC,XT,AT or compatible microcomputer using the PC-DOS or MS-DOS 2.0 or later operating system. Memory requirement is 256K. |