Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Anatomy at a glance /
Author Faiz, Omar.
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Moffat, D. B.
Publisher Blackwell Pub.,
Year Published 2006
OCLC Number 61362074
ISBN 9781405133487 (pbk. : alk. paper); 1405133481 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Subjects Human anatomy--Outlines, syllabi, etc ; Anatomy ; Anatomie
Internet Access
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Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EKBM  QM31.F33 2006 Research Triangle Park Library/RTP, NC 04/13/2009
Edition 2nd ed.
Collation 189 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Includes index.
Contents Notes
The thoracic wall I -- The thoracic wall II -- The mediastinum I, the contents of the mediastinum -- The mediastinum II, the vessels of the thorax -- The pleura and airways -- The lungs -- The heart I -- The heart II -- The nerves of the thorax -- Surface anatomy of the thorax -- Thorax, developmental aspects -- The fetal circulation -- The abdominal wall -- The arteries of the abdomen -- The veins and lymphatics of the abdomen -- The peritoneum -- The upper gastrointestinal tract I -- The upper gastrointestinal tract II -- The lower gastrointestinal tract -- The liver, gall-bladder and biliary tree -- The pancreas and spleen -- The posterior abdominal wall -- The nerves of the abdomen -- Surface anatomy of the abdomen -- The pelvis I, the bony and ligamentous pelvis -- The pelvis II, the contents of the pelvis -- The perineum -- The pelvic viscera -- Abdomen, developmental aspects -- The osteology of the upper limb -- Arteries of the upper limb -- The venous and lymphatic drainage of the upper limb and the breast -- Nerves of the upper limb I -- Nerves of the upper limb II -- The pectoral and scapular regions -- The axilla -- The shoulder (gleno-humeral) joint -- The arm -- The elbow joint and cubital fossa -- The forearm -- The carpal tunnel and joints of the wrist and hand -- The hand -- Surface anatomy of the upper limb -- The osteology of the lower limb -- The arteries of the lower limb -- The veins and lymphatics of the lower limb -- The nerves of the lower limb I -- The nerves of the lower limb II -- The hip joint and gluteal region -- The thigh -- The knee joint and popliteal fossa -- The leg -- The ankle and foot I -- The ankle and foot II -- Surface anatomy of the lower limb -- The autonomic nervous system -- The skull I -- The skull II -- Spinal nerves and cranial nerves I - IV -- The trigeminal nerve (V) -- Cranial nerves VI - XII -- The arteries I -- The arteries II and the veins -- Anterior and posterior triangles -- The pharynx and larynx -- The root of the neck -- The oesophagus and trachea and the thyroid gland -- The upper part of the neck and the submandibular region -- The mouth, palate and nose -- The face and scalp -- The cranial cavity -- The orbit and eyeball -- The ear, and lymphatics and surface anatomy of the head and neck -- Head and neck, developmental aspects -- The spine -- The spinal cord.