Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Demonstration of Low Cost Burden, Exposure Monitoring Strategies for use in Longitudinal Cohort Studies. Volume 1: Final Report, and Volume 2: Appendices.
Author Rench, J. D. ; Raymer, J. H. ; Thalji, L. ; Spruill, M. ; Salmons, C. A. ;
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. National Exposure Research Lab. ;RTI International, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Publisher Sep 2004
Year Published 2004
Report Number EPA/600/R-04/109;
Stock Number PB2006-101283
Additional Subjects Cohort studies ; Study methods ; Environmental exposure ; Cost effectiveness ; Databases ; Feasibility studies ; Child health ; Sampling ; Data collection ; Questionnaires ; Health outcomes ; Monitoring ; Children ; National Children's Study
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB2006-101283 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 484p
The Federal Government is currently planning a large, prospective birth cohort study known as the National Childrens Study that will potentially involve 100,000 children and their families. The observation period will start as close to conception as possible and will continue for 20 years after birth. Given the magnitude and expense of such a large study, sample collection methods that are amenable to acquisition of samples exclusively by the participants themselves followed by direct shipment to the analysis laboratory present a cost-effective alternative to technician-based sampling procedures. In this pilot study, the ability of participants in three age cohorts to collect environmental and biological samples according to prescribed protocols was evaluated. The cohorts consisted of parents and their children in the ages of 0-1 year, 3-5 years, and 6-8 years old. Biological and environmental samples collected during the study included urine, hair, saliva, breast milk, duplicate diet, tap water, vacuum cleaner dust, floor surface dust wipes, air samples, cotton sock dosimeters, and humidity/temperature measurements. Sample collection instructions and materials were prepared, subjected to evaluation and modification using a test population, and shipped to participants over a 12-month period. Participants were requested to collect the samples, complete questionnaires, and return the samples to the laboratory within defined time periods. Upon receipt at the laboratory, the condition of the samples was assessed by visual inspection and the details of the receipt and evaluation were logged into a computer database; queries were subsequently used to assess compliance. In some cases, chemical analysis was used to further evaluate sample integrity.