Abstract |
The 3.9-acre Grand Traverse Overall Supply (GTOS) site is an active commercial laundering facility in Greilickville, Leelanau County, Michigan. Land use in the area is residential, with an elementary school directly east of the site. From 1953 to 1977, the GTOS facility discharged laundry and process wastes from dry cleaning operations onsite to seepage lagoons and a dry-well. From 1978 to 1980, the state required GTOS to conduct removal actions. In 1978, dry cleaning operations were discontinued, but the GTOS site remains active and continues to discharge wastes into the sanitary sewer system. The ROD addresses the potential risks posed by onsite ground water. As a result of previous removal actions, organic compounds present in low levels in soil, and organic and inorganic compounds present in ground water no longer pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment; therefore, there are no contaminants of concern affecting the site. The selected remedial action for the site is the no action alternative; however, ground water monitoring for inorganics will continue for 1 year. |