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Main Title Applied flow and solute transport modeling in aquifers : fundamental principles and analytical and numerical methods /
Author Batu, Vedat.
Publisher Taylor & Francis,
Year Published 2006
Stock Number 60350
OCLC Number 57692781
ISBN 0849335744; 9780849335747
Subjects Groundwater flow--Mathematical models ; Aquifers ; SCIENCE--Earth Sciences--Geography ; SCIENCE--Earth Sciences--Geology ; Modellierung ; Grundwasserleiter ; Strèomungsmechanik ; Hydrogeologie ; Grundvatten ; Matematiska modeller
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Publisher description
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EIAM  GB1197.7.B375 2006 Region 2 Library/New York,NY 05/03/2023
EJAM  GB1197.7.B375 2006 Region 3 Library/Philadelphia, PA 10/07/2005 DISPERSAL
ELBM  GB1197.7.B375 2006 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 03/16/2007
EMBM  GB1197.7.B375 2006 NRMRL/GWERD Library/Ada,OK 05/12/2006
Collation 667 pages : illustrations, maps ; 26 cm
Includes bibliographical references (pages 645-660) and index.
Contents Notes
FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF SOLUTE TRANSPORT IN AQUIFERS: Concepts for concentration and its units -- Physical mechanism of solute transport in saturated porous media without sorption and decay: one-dimensinacase -- Generalization of the convective- depersive solute flux equations without sorption and decay for saturated porous media -- Differential equuations for solute trasport in saturated porous meda without sorption and decay -- Differential equuations for solute trasport in saturated porous meda under sorption and decay conditions -- Generalization solute transport differential equations for saturated porous media -- Solute transport differential equations for unsaturated porous media under uniform flow conditions -- Volume- and flux- averaged concentrations under uniform flow conditions -- Initial and boundary conditions -- Equationa for the mechanical dispersion coefficients for saturated porous media -- ANALYTICAL SOLUTE TRANSPORT MODELING IN AQUIFERS: Deterministic vs. stochastic modeling approaches -- Some selected analytical solute transpprt models and fundamental modeling concepts -- NUMERICAL FLOW AND SOLUTE TRANSPORT MODELING IN AQUIFERS: Numerical flow and solute transport modeling approaches -- Finite- difference modeling approaches for ground water flow -- Finite- difference modeling approach for solute transport -- Applicationa of numerical flow and solute transport models -- Modeling testing -- Model misuse -- Modeling limitations and sources of error -- Case study for ground water flow and colute transport modeling -- ANALYTICAL AND NUMERICAL MODELING APPROACHES FOR SOLUTE TRAVEL TIMES AND PATH LINES IN AQUIFERS: Path lines and travel times of solute under convective transport conditions -- Path lines of solute particles under convective transport conditions -- STOCHASTIC ANALYSIS OF FLOW AND SOLUTE TRANSPORT IN HETEROGENEOUS AQUIFERS AND DETERMINATION OF EXPRESSIONS FOR DISPERSIVITIES USING STOCHASTIC APPROACHES: Physical mechanism of convective-dispersive solute transport in heterogeneous porous media -- Determination of dispersivities from solute plume spatial moments -- Determination of expressions for dispersivities from perturbation analysis using the fourier-stieltjes integral representation -- ESTIMATION OF DISPERSIVITIES FOR SOLUTE TRANSPORT IN AQUIFERS: Laboratory vs. field-scale dispersivities -- Approaches for the determination of dispersivities -- Estimation of dispersivities using relationships between dispersivities and field scale -- DETERMINATION OF SOLUTE SORPTION PARAMETERS IN AQUIFERS: The K[d Subscript]/K[OC supscript] Approach for the determination of retardation factor -- Compiled data for K[OC supscript] values -- Regression equations for K[OC supscript] values -- Estimation of K[OC supscript] form the regression equations. "Over recent years, important contributions on the topic of solving various aquifer problems have been presented in numerous papers and reports. The scattered and wide-ranging nature of this information has made finding solutions and best practices difficult. Comprehensive and self-contained, Applied Flow and Solute Transport Modeling in Aquifers compiles the scattered literature on the topic into a single-source reference of the most up-to-date information in the field." "Based on Dr. Batu's 20 years of practical experience tackling aquifer problems in a myriad of settings, the book addresses essentially all currently applied aquifer flow and contaminant transport solutions, combines theory with practical applications, covers both analytical and numerical solutions, and includes solutions to real world contaminant transport modeling scenarios. Batu approaches the subject from the practicing consultant's point of view and elucidates the difficulties real world professionals have faced in solving aquifer flow and contamination problems."--Jacket.