Notes |
Cover title. "December 10, 1991"--Cover. "This document was prepared by Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) in partial fulfillment of EPA Contract Number 68-W0-0025, Work Assignment 61"--Page [1]. Includes bibliographical references (pages 81-89). EPA Contract Number Contract Number: 68-W0-0025 |
Contents Notes |
The primary purpose of this document is to assist U.S. Environmental Protection AGency (EPA) staff in providing scoping comments and comments on National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents for oil and gas exploration, development, and production activities proposed for Federal lands. Pursuant to NEPA and Section 309 of the Clean Air Act (CAA), EPA reviews and comments on proposed major Federal agency actions significantly affecting the environment. This document was developed to assist the EPA reviewer in considering those issues most appropriate to oil and gas operations in the development of NEPA/Section 309 comments. Ultimately, the document was also intended to assist operators in planning their work on Federal Lands and to assist Federal land managers in the preparation of Environmental Impact Statements (EISs). This document is not intended to be all-inclusive; rather, the document focuses on EPA's major concerns with surface and ground water, air, and ecosystems and sensitive receptors as related to oil and gas. It does not restate traditional NEPA concerns about impacts on floodplains, archaeological resources, etc., since they may occur at any development, . Furthermore, it does not discuss (in detail) human health risks associated with oil and gas practices, since such risks are very site-specific. Finally, it addresses only onshore operations, and does not address offshore drilling and development. |