Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Adaptation of the Gold Amalgamation Sampling and Analytical Procedure for the Analysis of Mercury in Stack Gases to High SO2 Environments Observed in Smelters.
Author Kal, G. William ;
CORP Author TraDet, Inc., Columbus, Ohio.
Year Published 1972
Report Number EPA-68-02-0341;
Stock Number PB-211 215
Additional Subjects ( Mercury ; Gas sampling) ; ( Air pollution ; Mercury) ; Flue gases ; Field tests ; Smelters ; Zinc ; Errors ; Sulfur dioxide ; Spectrochemical analysis ; Atomic spectroscopy ; Mercury amalgams ; Gold alloys ; Trace elements ; Gas analysis ; Metal industry ; Air pollution detection ; Zinc industry
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-211 215 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 30p
The research described concerns field tests for the adaption of the gold amalgamation sampling procedure for the collection of mercury in gas streams having high SO2 concentrations. This method, which was described in PB-210 817, consists of removing volatile mercury from the gas stream by amalgamating it on gold foil. The gold amalgam sampling and analytical procedure developed for power plants was directly amenable to the zinc smelter investigated. SO2 concentrations as high as 7.5% did not affect the sampling and analytical procedure. When using a stannous chloride or distilled water scrubber during one minute runs over a wide range of flow rates reproducible results were obtained with a 95% plus recovery on the first amalgamator. The stability of the mercury-gold amalgam depends on the temperature of the gas stream. The major problem was the high sensitivity of the analytical procedure resulting in a very short sampling period. (Author)