Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Analysis of Historical Radiatively Important Trace Gases (RITG) Emissions: Development of a Trace Gas Accounting System (T-GAS) for 14 Countries.
Author Piccot, S. ; Lynch, T. ; Kaufmann, R. ; Cleveland, C. ; Moore, B. ;
CORP Author Alliance Technologies Corp., Chapel Hill, NC. ;Boston Univ., MA. ;New Hampshire Univ., Durham. Inst. for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space.;Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Air and Energy Engineering Research Lab.
Publisher Jun 91
Year Published 1991
Report Number CH-90-75; EPA-68-D9-0173; EPA/600/9-91/019;
Stock Number PB91-216325
Additional Subjects Carbon dioxide ; Global air pollution ; Forecasting ; Mathematical models ; Emission factors ; Greenhouse effect ; Thermal radiation ; Energy consumption ; Air pollution control ; Stationary sources ; Poland ; Trace gas accounting system
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB91-216325 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 372p
The report gives results of a Phase 2 study to (1) develop and test a carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions model for 14 countries; (2) conduct a limited test of the model's forecasting capability by estimating and comparing emissions forecasts for Poland with those developed by other models; and (3) use the model and accompanying global energy use databases to summarize and assess historical energy use and emissions patterns for the 14 countries. (NOTE: The Phase 1 study, completed in September 1989, focused on evaluating the feasibility of developing a country-specific CO2 emissions forecast model. One objective of the Phase 1 study was to develop a pilot-scale emissions model that could be used to estimate energy consumption and CO2 emissions for specific energy end-use sectors in a country. Consistent with the objective, a pilot-scale model was developed for Poland, South Korea, France, and India. Another objective of the Phase 1 study was to test or validate the methodology used in the model and, if the methodology was viable, to develop a full-scale model development plan. Analysis of the results from the pilot model showed that the methodology was potentially viable for developing a country-specific global emissions model.) A key outcome of the Phase 2 study was the development of model algorithms and databases for the 14 countries.