Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Identification and Measurement of Components in Gasoline, Kerosene, and No. 2 Fuel Oil That Partition into the Aqueous Phase After Mixing.
Author Coleman, W. E. ; Munch, J. W. ; Streicher, R. P. ; Ringhand, H. P. ; Kopfler, F. C. ;
CORP Author Health Effects Research Lab., Cincinnati, OH.
Year Published 1984
Report Number EPA/600/J-84/089;
Stock Number PB84-244086
Additional Subjects Petroleum products ; Water analysis ; Toxicology ; Potable water ; Water pollution ; Gas chromatography ; Mass spectroscopy ; Extraction ; Gasoline ; Kerosene ; Fuel oil ; Concentration(Composition) ; Reprints ; Oil spills ; Water pollution detection
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB84-244086 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 12p
Some of the most common spills in waterways involve petroleum products, which are complex mixtures of varying compositions, depending on source and refining procedures. The tendency for components of potential toxicological significance to distribute to the aqueous phase under spill conditions needs to be determined. This paper is devoted to the chemical analysis of the water-soluble fractions (WSF) of gasoline, kerosene, and No. 2 fuel oil, which were added to drinking water and extracted into the aqueous phase under simulated field conditions. Initial aspects of the study dealt with the identification and distribution of the major components to the aqueous phase using pentane extraction and capillary column GC/MS for analyses. Results show that at least 95% by weight of the components in the WSF of each fuel sample were aromatic compounds having 6 to 13 carbons.