Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Superfund record of decision : Lincoln Creosote Site, Bossier City, LA.
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Office of Emergency and Remedial Response.
Publisher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Emergency and Remedial Response], Distributed by National Technical Information Service,
Year Published 1998
Report Number EPA/541/R-98/047; EPA/541/R-97/118
Stock Number PB97-964201
OCLC Number 40654477
Subjects Hazardous waste sites--Louisiana
Additional Subjects Superfund ; Hazardous materials ; Waste management ; Army facilities ; Munitions industry ; Explosives ; HMX ; RDX ; Soils ; Site characterization ; Remdial action ; Louisiana ; Record of Decision ; Louisiana Army Ammunition Plant ; Doyline(Louisiana) ; Webster County(Louisiana)
Internet Access
Description Access URL
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ELBD  EPA 541-R-98-047 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 08/13/1999
NTIS  PB97-964201 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 1 v. (various pagings) : ill., maps ; 28 cm.
This Record of Decision (ROD) has been prepared for the Louisiana Army Ammunition Plant (LAAP) Soil/Source Operable Unit (OU). Seven study areas are included as part of the Soil/Source Operable Unit (OU). Seven study areas are included as part of the Soil/Source OU: Area P, Burning Ground No. 5 (BG-5), Landfill No. 3 (LF-3), Oily Waste Landfarm (OWL), Burning Ground No. 8 Landfill (BG-8 Landfill), BG-Lagoon, and Manufacturing Area M-4 (M-4) Lagoon. The selected remedy for the Soil/Source OU is No Further Action for each of the seven study areas. After soil was removed for incineration, soil samples were collected in the excavated areas at Area P to confirm that the soil with HMX and RDX concentraions above 100 mg/kg was removed. After the excavated soil was incinerated, the treated soil was returned to the excavated lagoons to fill in the excavation. The filled lagoons were then covered with a cap. The baseline risk assessment determined that no potential human health or ecological risks are associated with the soils at the seven study areas, including Area P.
Cover title. "11/26/1997." "PB97-964201." "EPA/541/R-98/047." "October 1998."