Abstract |
The brochure is an overview of the test and evaluation facilities of the Cincinnati based Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory (RREL), Office of Research and Development, U.S. EPA. While these facilities and capabilities vary greatly as to function and scope they have in common their abilities to serve the scientific and engineering needs of RREL client offices, both within EPA, and for other Federal, State and local organizations, and industry. Detailed information regarding permitted wastes and unit processes, for each facility location, is included. The facilities described are: Cincinnati (Ohio area) -- (test and evaluation facility, center hill facility, full containment facility, drinking water pilot plant (fixed and mobile), mobile wastewater treatment units, and mobile dehalogenation treatment units); Jefferson (Arkansas) -- (combustion research facility); Edison (New Jersey) -- Synthetic Soils Matrix (SSM) blending facility, underground storage tank test apparatus, environmental technology and engineering (E-TEC) facility. RREL facilities are available to industry, academia, and other governmental agencies to pursue cooperative treatability studies or process control, and equipment research and development activities under the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act as amended by the Federal Technology Transfer Act of 1986. |