Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Artificial Recharge Practices in Hawaii.
Author Hargi, David R. ; Peterso, Frank L. ;
CORP Author Hawaii Univ., Honolulu. Water Resources Research Center.
Year Published 1970
Report Number TR-43; DI-14-31-0001; OWRR-A-028-HI; 06263,; A-028-HI(1)
Stock Number PB-198 233
Additional Subjects ( Ground water recharge ; Hawaii) ; ( Water supply ; Hawaii) ; Hydrogeology ; Water wells ; Stream flow ; Shafts(Excavations) ; Irrigation ; Seepage ; Ditches ; Sewage ; Waste treatment ; Disposal ;
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-198 233 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 41p
Artificial recharge practices in Hawaii include stream-water recharge through wells and shafts, storm drainage disposal through wells and pits, induced leakage from ditches and reservoirs and deliberate spreading of excess irrigation water, incidental ditch and reservoir leakage and other non-deliberate recharge of irrigation water, and cesspool seepage. The most significant source of artificial recharge to groundwater bodies in Hawaii is probably recharge incidental to irrigation. Deliberate artificial recharge to groundwater bodies consists of wells recharging stream water at Hanapepe, Kauai and Puukapu, Hawaii, wells and pits which dispose of storm drainage at Wailuku and Kahului, Maui and Hilo, Hawaii, and excess irrigation water by induced leakage from ditches and reservoirs and water spreading over fields and in gulches at Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Company on the East Maui isthus. In addition, the Department of Land and Natural Resources of the State of Hawaii will begin disposal of treated sewage through three deep wells at Waimanalo, Oahu as soon as sewerage is completed. (Author)