Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title America's ancient forests : from the Ice Age to the Age of Discovery /
Author Bonnicksen, Thomas M.
Publisher Wiley,
Year Published 2000
OCLC Number 39147877
ISBN 0471136220; 9780471136224
Subjects Forest ecology--United States ; Old growth forests--United States--History ; Geschichte ; Pleistozn ; Wald ; Amerika ; Ecologie des forets--Etats Unis d'Amerique ; Forets de hautes futaies--Etats Unis d'Amerique--Histoire
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Publisher description
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ESAM  QH104.B635 2000 Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA 01/18/2023
Collation xiii, 594 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references (pages 489-564) and index.
Contents Notes
"At the time of European discovery, the ancient North American forests stretched across nearly half the continent. And while today little remains of this past glory, efforts are underway to bring back some of the diverse ecosystems of that era. America's Ancient Forests: From the Ice Age to the Age of Discovery provides scientists and professionals with essential information for forest restoration and conservation projects, while presenting a compelling and far-reaching account of how the North American landscape has evolved over the past 18,000 years." "A special feature of this book is its self-contained introduction to the early history of Native American peoples and their environment. The author draws on his roots in the Osage nation as well as painstaking research through the historical record, offering a complete discussion of how the cultural practices of hunting, agriculture, and fire helped form the ancient forests."--Jacket.