Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Environmental Technology Verification Program: Advanced Monitoring Systems Center: Quality Assurance Project Plan Suitability of Leak Detection Technology for Use In Ethanol-Blended Fuel Service.
Author Gregg, A. M. ; Yates, B. ; Dindal, A.
CORP Author Battelle Columbus Div., OH.; Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH.
Year Published 2013
Report Number EPA/600/R-15/254
Stock Number PB2016-103776
Additional Subjects Environmental technologies ; Monitoring systems ; Leak detection technologies ; Ethanol blends ; Biofuels ; Guidelines ; Data collection ; Infrastructure analysis ; Performance evaluation
Internet Access
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Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB2016-103776 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 184p
The ETV Programs's AMS Center conducts third-party performance testing of commercially available technologies that monitor, sample, detect, and characterize contaminants or naturally occurring species across all matrices. The purpose of TEV is to provide objective and quality-assured performance data on environmental technologies so that users, developers, and regulators, and consultants can make informed decisions about purchasing and applying these technologies. Stake holder committees of buyers and users of such technologies recommend technology categories, and technologies within those categories, as priorities for testing. The research described in the QAPP is focused on evaluating LD technologies in general to produce a TA that is not specific to a vendor or LD technology category. The purpose of this QAPP is to specify procedures for gathering data to inform the TA and the UST LD community as a whole.