Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Ecological condition of wadeable streams of the interior Columbia basin : an EPA environmental monitoring and assessment program report /
Author L. G. Herger ; G. A. Hayslip ; P. T. Leinenbach
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Seattle, WA. Region X.
Publisher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 10, Office of Environmental Assessment,
Year Published 2007
Report Number PB2010-106322; EPA/910/R-07-005
Stock Number PB2010-106322
OCLC Number 928491126
Subjects Environmental monitoring--Columbia River ; Environmental monitoring--Columbia River Watershed ; Watershed management--Columbia River ; Watershed management--Columbia River Watershed ; Watershed restoration--Columbia River ; Watershed restoration--Columbia River Watershed ; Columbia River--Environmental conditions ; United States--Columbia River
Additional Subjects Streams ; Columbia river basin ; Statistical methods ; Data collection ; Metrics ; Sediment ; Biota ; Tables(Data) ; Aquatic ecosystems ; Riparian land ; Riparian waters ; Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program(EPMAPS)
Internet Access
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Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ESAD  EPA 910-R-07-005 Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA 11/17/2015
NTIS  PB2010-106322 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation v., 58 p. : col. map ; 28 cm.
The Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) was developed by EPA to assess the condition of the nation's ecological resources. EMAP employs a statistical design that makes it possible to describe the proportion of the resource in good, fair or poor condition relative to reference condition. In 2000, the EMAP began a five-year effort to monitor and assess the ecological condition of rivers and streams across the West. This report uses a subset of the data from this large project and data from other EMAP projects to assess the ecological condition of the wadeable streams of the Interior Columbia River basin. Approximately 75,000 km of the 109,000 km of wadeable streams of the Basin were assessed for most indicators. In general, most streams of the basin are in fair or good condition based on the results of the metrics that could be analyzed. Primary stressors in terms of both extent and risk to biota are excess fine sediment, riparian disturbance from grazing/crops, sulfate, and phosphorous levels.
Caption title. "December 2007." "EPA 910-R-07-005"
Contents Notes
The Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) was developed by EPA to assess the condition of the nation's ecological resources. EMAP employs a statistical design that makes it possible to describe the proportion of the resource in good, fair or poor condition relative to reference condition. In 2000, the EMAP began a five-year effort to monitor and assess the ecological condition of rivers and streams across the West. This report uses a subset of the data from this large project and data from other EMAP projects to assess the ecological condition of the wadeable streams of the Interior Columbia River basin. Approximately 75,000 km of the 109,000 km of wadeable streams of the Basin were assessed for most indicators. In general, most streams of the basin are in fair or good condition based on the results of the metrics that could be analyzed. Primary stressors in terms of both extent and risk to biota are excess fine sediment, riparian disturbance from grazing/crops, sulfate, and phosphorous levels. -- Abstract, p. 1.