Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Water Management at Abandoned Flooded Underground Mines Fundamentals, Tracer Tests, Modelling, Water Treatment / [electronic resource] :
Author Wolkersdorfer, Christian.
Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
Year Published 2008
Call Number GB1001-1199.8
ISBN 9783540773313
Subjects Hydraulic engineering ; Mines and mineral resources ; Engineering geology ; Environmental toxicology ; Environmental pollution
Internet Access
Description Access URL
Collation XX, 465 p. online resource.
Due to license restrictions, this resource is available to EPA employees and authorized contractors only
Contents Notes
Hydrogeochemistry of Mine Water -- Insights into Mine Closure -- Do's and Don'ts of Mine Closure -- Hydrodynamics -- Mine Closure Flow Models and Geochemical Modelling -- Monitoring and Sampling -- Tracer Techniques for Mines -- Mine Water Treatment and Ground Water Protection -- Flooded Underground Mines: Case Studies -- Literatur -- Appendices. Switching off the pumps of a mine is one of the last steps in the lifetime of a surface or underground mine. As the water in the open space raises, the water might become contaminated with different pollutants and eventually starts to flow in the open voids. This book addresses the processes related to mine abandonment from a hydrogeological perspective. After an introduction to the relevant hydrogeochemical processes the book gives detailed information about mine closure procedures. Based on in-situ measurements the hydrodynamic processes in a flooded mine are described and some of the mine closure flow models exemplified. As all investigations base on precise data, the book gives some key issues of monitoring and sampling, especially flow monitoring. Then the book shows some new methodologies for conducting tracer tests in flooded mines and gives some hints to passive mine water treatment. At the end 13 well investigated case studies of flooded underground mine and mine water tracer tests are described and interpreted from a hydrodynamic point of view.