Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Disaster nursing and emergency preparedness for chemical, biological, and radiological terrorism and other hazards
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Veenema, Tener Goodwin.
Publisher Springer Pub. Co.,
Year Published 2003
OCLC Number 51857075
ISBN 0826121438
Subjects Disaster nursing ; Emergency nursing ; Disasters ; Nursing ; Emergency Nursing ; Terrorism
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EJEM  RT108.D56 2003 OCSPP Chemical Library/Washington,DC 09/03/2004
Collation xxviii, 586 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Notes
Ch. 1. Essentials of disaster planning -- Ch. 2. Leadership and coordination in disaster health care systems: The Federal Disaster Response Network -- Ch. 3. Understanding the psychosocial impact of disasters -- Ch. 4. Legal and ethical issues in disaster response -- Ch. 5. Communication: the role of the media -- Ch. 6. Overview of disaster management -- Ch. 7. Disaster triage and chemical decontamination -- Ch. 8. Restoring public health under disaster conditions: basic sanitation, water and food supply, and shelter -- Ch. 9. Managing emergencies outside of the hospital: special events and mass casualties -- Ch. 10. Management of psychosocial effects -- Ch. 11. Unique needs of children during disasters and other public health emergencies -- Ch. 12. Natural disasters -- Ch. 13. Environmental disasters and emergencies -- Ch. 14. Biological and chemical terrorism: a unique threat -- Ch. 15. Surveillance systems for bioterrorism -- Ch. 16. Biological agents of concern -- Ch. 17. Early recongnition and detection of biological events -- Ch. 18. Design and implementation of mass immunization and prophylactic antibiotics clinics -- Ch. 19. Chemical agents of concern -- Ch. 20. Radiological incidents and emergencies -- Ch. 21. Directions for nursing education -- Ch. 22. Directions for nursing research and development -- Ch. 23. International disaster nursing -- App. I. Internet resources on disaster preparedness, emergency care, and bioterrorism -- App. II. Glossary of terms commonly used in disaster preparedness and response -- App. III. Bioterrorism emergency planning and preparedness questionnaire for health care facilities -- App. IV. Federal Emergency Management Agency: emergency response action steps -- App. V. Anthrax summary -- App. VI. Botulism summary -- App. VII. Plague summary -- App. VIII. Smallpox summary -- App. IV. Tularemia summary -- App. X. Viral hemorrhagic fevers summary -- App. XI. Biological weapon agent lab identification -- App. XII. Patient isolation precautions -- App. XIII. Creating a personal disaster plan -- XIV. JCAHO Emergency Management Standards.