Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title OAP Regional Economic Model Utilization. Phase I. Volume II. Revised User's Guide.
CORP Author CONSAD Research Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Year Published 1972
Report Number DI-68-04-0039; 0947;
Stock Number PB-207 320
Additional Subjects ( Air pollution ; Computerized simulation) ; ( Regional planning ; Air pollution) ; Programming manuals ; Economic models ; Computer systems programs ; Abatement ; Data processing ; Input output routines ; Cost estimates ; Air pollution economics ; Air Quality Control Regions ; Air pollution abatement
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-207 320 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 146p
A revised user's guide of the Office of Air Programs (OAP) Economic Model System is presented to facilitate an efficient assessment of control strategies. Air pollution control strategies are first transformed into a set of appropriate model inputs. The computer program accepts these inputs as 'exogenous shocks' to the model system and generates as output, from the model system, measurements of the changes in the key economic variables in the air quality control regions under study. The computer simulation of the Economic Model System includes three programs: Program RMS (Regional Model Simulation), Program 10A (Input-Output Analysis), and Program FBE (Feedback Effects). The report also presents control cost estimates. (Author)