Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Chemicals Identified in Feral and Food Animals: A Data Base. First Annual Report, October 1981. Volume I. Records 1-532.
Author Cone, M. V. ; Faust, R. A. ; Baldauf, M. F. ;
CORP Author Oak Ridge National Lab., TN.;Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Year Published 1981
Report Number ORNL/EIS-196-V.1 ;EPA-560/5-81-009-Vol.1; W-7405-ENG-26;
Stock Number DE82007495
Additional Subjects Ecosystems ; Pollution ; Aquatic Organisms ; Aromatics ; Birds ; Cadmium ; Cattle ; Chlorine ; Copper ; Data Base Management ; Fishes ; Information Systems ; Iodine ; Lead ; Mercury ; Organic Chlorine Compounds ; Pesticides ; Polonium ; Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons ; Selenium ; Sheep ; Toxicity ; Zinc ; ERDA/510200 ; ERDA/560305 ; ERDA/510302
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  DE82007495 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 261p
This data file is a companion to Chemicals Identified in Human Biological Media, A Data Base, and follows basically the same format. The data base on human burden is in its third year of publication. This is the first annual report for the feral and food animal file. Data were obtained primarily from the open literature through manual searches (retrospective to 1979) of the journals listed in Appendix A. The data base now contains information on 60 different substances. Chemicals are listed by Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) registry numbers and preferred names in Appendix B. For the user's convenience, cross-referenced chemical lists of CAS preferred and common names are provided in Appendix C. The animals, tissues, and body fluids found to be contaminated by these chemicals are listed in Appendix D. The data base is published annually in tabular format with indices and chemical listings that allow specific searching. A limited number of custom computer searches of the data base are available in special cases when the published format does not allow for retrieval of needed information. (ERA citation 07:044682)