Abstract |
The environmental release of microorganisms has prompted the investigation of potential health effects associated with their release. In the study, survival and translocation to the spleen and liver of several environmental Pseudomonas spp. was investigated in antibiotic-treated mice. P. aeruginosa strain BC16 and P. maltophilia strain BC6, isolated from a commercial product for PCB degradation, P. aeruginosa strain AC869, a 3,5-dichlorobenzoate degrader, and P. cepacia strain AC1100, an organism that metabolizes 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid were examined for their survival capabilities in the intestines of mice dosed with clindamycin, ianamycin, rifampicin, or spectinomycin. A mouse intestinal isolate, strain PAMG, was included in the study. Following antibiotic pretreatment (1 mg twice daily for 3 days), mice were dosed by gavage with 10 to the ninth colony forming units (CFU) of the individual Pseudomonas spp. By the end of the 5 day test period, strains AC869 and PAMG survived in kanamycin-, rifampicin-, spectinomyicn-, and clindamycin-treated animals. A statistically significant (p 0.05) increase in survival of strain AC869 and PAMG was observed in clindamycin-treated mice for the test period. (Copyright (c) 1990 American Society for Microbiology.) |