Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Altered Zn Status by alpha-Hederin in the Pregnant Rat and Its Relationship to Adverse Developmental Outcome.
Author Daston, G. P. ; Overmann, G. J. ; Baines, D. ; Taubeneck, M. W. ; Lehman-McKeeman, L. D. ;
CORP Author Health Effects Research Lab., Research Triangle Park, NC. Developmental Toxicology Div. ;Procter and Gamble Co., Cincinnati, OH. Miami Valley Labs. ;California Univ., Davis.;National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.
Publisher 1994
Year Published 1994
Report Number EPA/600/J-94/386; NIH-HD01743;
Stock Number PB95-125597
Additional Subjects Zinc ; Animal pregnancy ; Embryo development ; Toxicity ; Rats ; Tissue distribution ; Metallothionein ; Orosomucoid ; Ceruloplasmin ; Minerals ; Biosynthesis ; In vitro analysis ; Dose-response relationships ; Reprints ; Alpha-hederin
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB95-125597 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 14p
The hypothesis that hepatic metallothionein (MT) induction in the pregnant animal results in a Zn deficiency in the embryo was tested by treating pregnant rats with alpha-hederin, reported to induce MT in rat liver. Morphological development was assessed in term fetuses. A single dose of alpha-hederin, of 3-300 micromoles/kg, caused a dosage-related increase in maternal hepatic MT. Maximum induction was 11-15-fold greater than control and occurred at dosages of 30 micromoles/kg and higher. (Zn) concentration in liver and liver cytosol increased along with MT, reaching a maximum at dosages of 30 micromoles/kg and higher. Plasma (Zn) decreased after alpha-hederin treatment to a level approximately 75% of control at 30 micromoles/kg and 50% of control at 300 micromoles/kg. Zn distribution was evaluated by giving a (65)Zn 8 hours after treatment and measuring (65)Zn 10 hr later. Both 30 and 300 micromoles/kg increased resorptions, and 300 micromoles/kg decreased fetal weight and increased the incidence of abnormal fetuses. These data support the hypothesis that systemic changes in Zn status, brought about by induction of hepatic MT, may be a mechanism for maternally-mediated abnormal development.